As a Biomechanist Ellie helps you to understand how your body should be moving, to MoveWell. She works with curious and Interested clients increase their personal power by understanding how their body moves, works and how everything is connected. If you want to feel more aligned, get more from your sport, get out of pain or just know your body better, Ellie is the one for you.

Have you ever had someone assess you top to toe? Watch you walking in a gait analysis, look at your injury history to build a picture of your compensations and assess each joint of your body to find out what’s working too hard and what’s not working hard enough. Booking a 1:1 with Ellie is truly a unique experience it’s a step on the journey to explore your body’s potential.

This full body assessment, using a state of the art force plate to measure gait and standing posture, allows us to build a bespoke movement programme to match your aims and goals. These maybe to get out of pain, increase your sporting performance or understand your body better. Ellie will draw on her extensive knowledge and resources but she bases all sessions around the Anatomy In Motion (AIM) Technique developed by her mentor Gary Ward.

Ellie will then recommend a number of sessions depending on the clients aims and goals. She is happy to work in person or remotely online via zoom – she has eagle eyes and can spot a body cheat or compensation a mile off! All sessions include personalized video homework.

Working with Ellie is a two way process. She will expect your interaction within the sessions and the commitment to yourself to carry out the homework. This is your journey, what you put into the process is what you will get out. Enjoying the journey and being open to new experiences of discovering your bodies potential is all part of the fun. With this in mind you can expect Ellie’s enthusiasm, support and passion for the bodies potential to radiate through within each session.


Ellie also offers a number of movement classes to help you better understand how your body works, connects and moves. These classes can be attended as stand alone, in conjunction with 1:1 sessions or part of a continuing aftercare programme to keep the body balanced.

Click here to book onto a movement class.

Ellie Williams – Move Well

How the body is all connected

An abundance of energy and passion to get you moving well, working with Ellie is an experience not to be missed!

Ellie Williams is based in Binham, North Norfolk as well as online via zoom and is an expert at helping people with chronic and seemingly unsolvable pain. Mapping the body in detail, Ellie is always asking  “Why has your body got the way it has?” and “if the body has got its self into pain, there has got to be a way to get it out of pain”. She not only looks at what the body is physically showing her she also looks at the emotional side of pain. She looks at the persons mindset of why you might be in pain and what they need to do to move both body and brain beyond this.